Eve Bet

  1. Eve Betts First Dates
  2. Eve Bet Awards
  3. Eve Betrayed God For An Apple

Emily 'Eve' Best (born 31 July 1971) is a British stage and screen actress and director, known for her television roles as Dr. Eleanor O'Hara in the Showtime series Nurse Jackie (2009–13), First Lady Dolley Madison in the American Experience television special (2011), and Monica Chatwin in the BBC miniseries The Honourable Woman (2014). Nicki Minaj Performs Did It On Em & Moment 4 Life With Drake On BET's 106 & Part For New Years Eve!

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Lost That Bet, Level 1

Lost That Bet (1 of 5)

Faction: None
Mission Type: Courier
Cargo: one unit of Dolls (specific item) (1.0 m3)

Lost That Bet (2 of 5)

Faction: Mercenaries
Mission Type: Cargo Retrieval
Space Type: Deadspace, no gate
Pickup: one unit of Dolls (repackaged) (1.0 m3)


Single Pocket:

Eve Betts First Dates

no initial spawn.

Eve beta

Mercenary Rookie shows up and disappears - keep waitingMercenary Rookie appears again, drops the dolls and disappears.

Lost That Bet (3 of 5)

Faction: None
Mission Type: Cargo Retrieval
Space Type: Deadspace, no gate
Pickup: four units of Dolls (repackaged) (4.0 m3)

Pocket 1:

no initial spawn.

One 'Cargo Container - Dolls', about 30km away. Go figure.

Pocket 2:


Eve betrayal

Pocket 3:

Once more. Did I mention you want to bring an afterburner?

Eve Bet

Pocket 4:


Yay, another 'Cargo Container - Dolls'.Mission completion trigger: distance to container.

Lost That Bet (4 of 5)

Faction: None
Mission Type: Mining
Space Type: Deadspace, no gate
Pickup: one unit of Dolls (repackaged) (1.0 m3)

'Don't you hear them? The dolls?They're all laughing at me.'

Single Pocket:

25 Veldspar Asteroids (1 unit of Veldspar each).Removal of all asteroids triggers container spawn and mission completion.

Bring a ship with lots of max targets. LOTS.
Or in a pinch, board a free corvette with two civilian mining lasers will work.
(Board a corvette, unfit a mining laser, trash corvette and board another one to fit two miners.)
1 m3 of mining is about 2 seconds each rock. (End cycles early.)
It only takes a few minutes with great piloting skills.Rats may appear so a weapon might be needed.

Lost That Bet (5 of 5)

Faction: Mercenaries
Mission Type: Encounter
Space Type: Deadspace, no gate
Pickup: one unit of Corpse of Enlil Bel (1.0 m3)

Eve Bet Awards

Single Pocket:

1x Named Frigate (Mercenary Elite Fighter) -- you kill this.
It throws Flameburst [therm] light missiles, but slowly. Two semi-decent weapons will be enough.

Mineable Asteroid info:
16 Veldspar asteroids, - 895k Units total.16 Scordite asteroids, - 990k Units total.Asteroids vary from 30.000 to 90.000 Units each.

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Eve Betrayed God For An Apple

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